Ardha Chakrasana | Half Wheel Pose | Yoga for cure Back pain | Benefits | Steps |

2023-02-16 2

Ardha Chakrasana For Beginners | Standing Backward Bend Pose | How To Do Ardha Chakrasana | Pro Fitness | Simple Yoga Lessons |

In Sanskrit Standing back bend is called Ardha Chakrasana or Anuvittasana. Also called as Half Wheel Pose.

Benefits :

• Strengthens spinal cord
• Increases thoracic hunch to keep the back straight in every age
• Counter pose of Padahastasana
• Helpful in respiratory congestion and problems related to lungs like Asthma, Bronchitis, Blockage of nasal passage, Neck pain, Thyroid, de-stressing, strengthening of back muscles
• Increases the lungs capacity
• Ardha Chakrasana tones shoulders, thighs, and waist, and helps stretch the abdomen, stomach and intestine muscles.
• This asana helps relieve shoulder and neck pain.
• This yoga pose helps cure respiratory disorders.
• This asana helps stimulate abdominal organs like the pancreas.

Avoid/Precautions :

• In case of Pregnancy
• People who have surgery / operation, hernia etc.

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beginner yoga
full body yoga
how to do Ardha Chakrasana
morning yoga
the yoga destiny
half wheel pose
Ardha Chakrasana yoga
Ardha Chakrasana for beginners
Ardha Chakrasana precautions
Ardha Chakrasana steps
Ardha Chakrasana yoga pose
yoga for back pain
yoga for beginners